The beginnings of Group Emporium Corp. GEC
August 2015 If you expect this to be purely a business blog post, I'm sorry to disappoint you as I'm writing this as part of my online writings in a style following the ancient philosophy of the Body, Mind and Spirit. Not that I'm not a business minded person but I prefer to be known as a loving Family man, an optimal Entrepreneur as well as a humble Spiritual man, all rolled into one. Best way to explain it all is to introduce myself as an aspiring writer with the latest view ratings by Google+ found here. Invited to be the co-founder and COO of Group Emporium by Carlos E. Jean-Gilles, the Founder and CEO of a company that we are going to incorporate together soon, this is really about a business said to be in its very early stages at this point of writing. However it is not considered new to our minds and visions. For Carlos who has spent 7 years working on this launch and I with 30 years of preparation in multiple disciplines as an entrepreneur supporting a fa...